Team Bios
Team Captain, Mechanical Lead
Helllo! I'm Aiden. I am a senior at Mission San Jose HS. I've been participating in FTC for 6 years. Through FIRST, I have gained invaluable leadership and mechanical design experience. As Mechanical Lead, I love the challenge of designing innovative robots that each season brings. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge through mentorship and expanding access to STEM education in underserved communities.
Outside of robotics I enjoy playing piano, photography, Formula 1 & traveling.
Inspiration: “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard" - JFK
Software Lead
Hello! I'm Warren. I am a senior at Mission San Jose HS. I've been participating in FTC for 6 years. Through FIRST, I have gained invaluable software design experience and learned lots of cool control theory and computer vision techniques. I love taking on cool and challenging projects. Outside of robotics, I enjoy playing video games, tennis, and eating.
Hello! I'm Hyun. I am a senior at Mission San Jose High School, and have been on the team for 3 years. FIRST has helped me gain new outlooks on my passions for engineering as well as facilitating the development of my skills in both technical and nontechnical facets. On the software team, I enjoy programming innovative solutions and features that bring our performance to new heights. I love seeing abstract concepts come to life in our robots and I'm glad to have expanded the horizons of my programming knowledge. Outside of robotics, I enjoy building keyboards, volleyball, and brawl stars.
Hello! I’m Eric. I am a senior at MSJHS who's been on the team for 4 years. FTC has really helped me develop my design skills, as well as important non-technical and outreach skills. I enjoy coming up with and designing creative solutions for each year’s challenges, and I love talking to the younger kids in outreach initiatives even more. Outside of robotics, I like working on personal projects and music.
Hello! I’m Sophia and I’m a senior at Mission San Jose High School. This is my third year on this team. FTC has helped me develop my building and design skills, and I have been able to gain experience with both nontechnical and technical work. I enjoy being able to learn new things with every season and interacting with people at outreach events. Outside of robotics, I like electric bass, playing csgo, and reading.
Hello! I'm Sarah. I am a sophomore at MSJH, and this is my first year on the team. Through FIRST, I'm excited to explore different aspects of STEM, build on my programming skills, as well as interact with children and adults for outreach events. Out side of robotics, I like building websites, running, and baking.
Apply Today
We're recruiting applicants with a special interest in STEM, FTC robotics, business, community service, and a dedicated drive to Take Innovation to the NEXT LEVEL.
To apply, fill out our application here!
Instagram: @roboforce_ftc